Everyone is a Celebrity at Talent Madness Agency

Everyone is a Celebrity at Talent Madness Agency

We are building a global opportunity network based in five talent categories:

  • Model Madness
  • Actor Madness
  • Music Madness
  • Dance Madness
  • Artist Madness

Become a celebrity in our fabulous community at
Talent Madness Agency

We operate on a social network platform which consists of three groups: talent, collaborators, and patrons.

Talent, collaborators, and patrons conduct direct negotiations among the three groups or hook up with an agent. In both instances, Model Madness does not accept a commission for any jobs you receive or deals that you make.

Bikini Competition

Local businesses around the world have a choice to tap local talent or fly the best into town. Model Madness facilitates connections between talent, collaborators, and patrons in a fraction of the time.

Talent Madness Agency

If there is an outstanding talent among the five categories, a scout from the agency will recruit, train and signup the individual for work under an exclusive or non-exclusive contract and on a commission basis.

Under Construction

Bookmark Our Website

We have plans to open our first studio in Hollywood, California. Until we get there, we are completing the websites for each category listed above.

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